Facility Request Form
Terms and Conditions for Facility Usage or Rental at St. Patrick:
Please read the following and then complete the facility request form using the link below.
· Our facilities are only available for events sponsored by our school or parish ministries, regardless of the participants.
· Non-ministry events such as wedding receptions, dinners, etc. fall under our rental policy.
· Only current registered St Patrick parishioners, school and parish staff are permitted to make requests.
· Facilities cannot be used for political gatherings or any activities that conflict with the principles of the Catholic faith.
· Our facilities should be cared for with the utmost regard.
Use and Conduct: The user covenants that the facilities will only be used for the described activity during the time(s) allotted and will vacate the premises upon request by the Parish. The user further understands that it is his or her responsibility to:
· Arrange for the opening and closing of the room or facility.
· Have someone available to receive deliveries and handle returns or pick-ups.
· Ensure that all equipment used is returned in the same condition as received.
· Provide adequate supervision for all minors, minimum ratio of 1 adult per 6 children with 2 adults always present.
· Police the conduct of the event and its participants.
· Ensure that food and drink are kept in designated areas.
· Ensure the facilities are cleaned and returned to their original condition or state.
Alcohol Usage: The user is responsible for the proper State and County Liquor Licenses to serve or sell alcohol. The user agrees to abide by the laws governing alcohol usage. Please contact the parish business manager to make sure you are in compliance with our parish liquor license.
Charitable Gaming - Raffles - Games of Chance: The user agrees that it will not conduct any type of gambling, raffle, or game of chance during the event. Parish organizations wishing to conduct such activities must contact the parish business manager in order to obtain the proper licenses.
Food Service: Events requiring the use of the concession stand or kitchen must be properly trained. Usage is coordinated and approved by the Concession Ministry.
Expenses: The user covenants that it assumes liability for all bills, invoices, and expenses related to the described activity, including, but not limited to, additional charges by St. Patrick for clean-up or damages.
Political Events: Federal laws prohibit the use of Parish facilities for partisan political events.
Rental Policy:
Rentals are limited to specific facilities which are considered event spaces. (Schindler Hall, Celtic Center and Camp St. Patrick)
· We do not rent the Celtic Center by the hour.
· We do not rent any meeting rooms
· The user agrees to provide St. Patrick Catholic Church with an insurance liability certificate naming St. Patrick Catholic Church as an additional insured for the amounts listed below. Special event insurance may be purchased through the Parish for a nominal fee.
o Minimum General Liability Coverage: $1,000,000.00
o Minimum Host Liquor Liability Coverage: $1,000,000.00
· Please contact the parish office for rental information if you are planning an event.
Release: In consideration of “permissive entry and use” of the designated facilities for the described activity, the user, their representatives, heirs, and assigns, do hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue St. Patrick Catholic Church (Parish) and the Archdiocese of Louisville (Archdiocese) for any and all claims and liability arising from the use of these facilities. Furthermore, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Parish and Archdiocese and their employees from any claims, judgments, or expenses incurred by or the result of this activity.
St. Patrick retains the right to reassign the activity to another facility should the need arise.